
November 15th, 2009 § 1 comment

All goes well!  I’ve spent somewhere around 10 hours filming and editing my cinepoem.  It’s a little short–3:15, but quality work, I assure you.  The clips are cut and synched with music.  Believe me, audio editing takes forever.  It’s a good thing I’m not new to video editing and the like.

The real question is whether to simply use subtitles, or use a voiceover, or both.  I despise hearing my own voice, but I know someone who could do well speaking the lines for me, but I’m still unsure.  Just subtitles would let my nicely timed music take a bigger role–and somehow it’s more artsy that way.

Here is an interesting use of voiceover and subtitles–that is, the use of creative typography instead of images.  The poem is Kipling’s “If”:


§ One Response to Cinepoetry

  • Matt says:

    Exciting to hear about your progress! Good luck with your project — I’m looking forward to seeing your film when you have it ready.

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